Whether you are just entering in an industry or changing career mid-life, this could be an extremely daunting process. When a person decides to alter a career path even if a pinnacle point is visible, it could turn the whole world upside down for him or her. However, if you are determined to make it big in the new field, what better way could be there than using your network for the very same purpose. Perplexed? This is not going to be as dramatic as the image in your mind and networking right would help you sail through the career transition phase more easily. Here are a few tips for networking when going for a career change.
A quote goes,”To reach somewhere, you need to leave something behind.” Starting in a new field with no prior experience can be frightening, but at the end, everything would be worth it if you are willing to take on the challenge. While expanding online network is a smart way to aid career change, stepping out is essential as well. Attend industry events happening in the vicinity. This is not only for the company aimed at discovering new talent, but also for people looking to expand their contacts. Apart from this, scan contact lists, close supporters, college alumni group and other personal affiliations to get a head start in new career.
Know what you want!
Wait! Before going with your desire to work in a role, know thyself. Howsoever cliché it sounds, an individual must be aware whether the new role would really make him happy. Transitioning jobs just because your friend thinks so or to reduce working hours is a complete no.![]() |
Know Yourself |
Tell people about it
People know about your current designation and responsibilities. However, if you have decided to shred off those old duties and embark on a new career, talk to people about it. Even if you do not have professionals from the same field in network, spread the word. It might help in establishing the right contacts as you never know who is connected to whom.![]() |
Tell People |
Unable to decide to whom you should contact? Do a little research of the target industry and check websites of organizations. Before directly getting in touch with people, follow famous professionals who are doing extremely well in their career and understand their career path to know what your ideal role would be like. Spending hours on this will help you think creatively and also realize your potential.![]() |
Research |
Get in touch with similar professionals
Once you get a hang of it, connect with individuals working in the target profession or like-minded people who have recently made the transition. Being active on LinkedIn could do wonders as you directly get to see the professional path followed by a person. People who have recently shifted careers can point out strategies in the transition period which you might have overlooked as you are busy craving for immense success in a new field.![]() |
Get in Touch |
Don't hesitate to seek advice
Networking to people who are not in your immediate domain might seem difficult at first, but it's actually pretty simple. When you are new in a field, use this opportunity to learn more. When you are a career changer, the entire story becomes more interesting, and you have freedom to ask questions, regardless of how silly they might seem. Converse, meet new people, or even try to set up an informational interview to get more idea about the target field.![]() |
Seek Advice |
Make use of social media
Are you a social media addict and can't resist scrolling down even after a hard day? Use this to your advantage. Social networking sites such as LinkedIn, Facebook, Twitter are now increasingly used by employers to identify talented people and hire the best. Strike up conversations with people in your network and get to know their perception. Share your train of thoughts, comment on posts that are related to the target-career, and try to build healthy professional relationships.![]() |
Use Social Media |
A quote goes,”To reach somewhere, you need to leave something behind.” Starting in a new field with no prior experience can be frightening, but at the end, everything would be worth it if you are willing to take on the challenge. While expanding online network is a smart way to aid career change, stepping out is essential as well. Attend industry events happening in the vicinity. This is not only for the company aimed at discovering new talent, but also for people looking to expand their contacts. Apart from this, scan contact lists, close supporters, college alumni group and other personal affiliations to get a head start in new career.